By David Ripp
Class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedures:
SCP-6XXX-1 is to be stored in a low value items storage vault at Site-15 with SCP-6XXX-2. It may be removed for testing with the approval of a Level 3 researcher. All tests are to be done under the watch of either MTF Nu-85 “Italian Uncles” or Rho-9 “Technical Support”. If the subject sustains any game related injuries, they should immediately be transferred to the neareset infirmary.
SCP-6XXX is the nonexistent Sega Master System port of the Nintendo video game “The Legend of Zelda”, (hereafter reffered to as SCP-6XXX-1) and an anomalous developer copy of a Sega Master System console (hereafter reffered to as SCP-6XXX-2). The artwork on the package/cartridge of SCP-6XXX-1 is authentic to the original mundane Nintendo Entertainment System copy, with minor cosmetic damage. The artwork is resized to fit a standard Sega Master System cartridge. The words “Property of Sega R&D” are embossed into the plastic on the back. Whenever a male Homo Sapiens with a legal age of 20-23 years old inserts SCP-6XXX-1 into SCP-6XXX-2 and begins to play, a strange effect will take upon them. Any damage or negative effects the player-character is affected with, will be afflicted on the subject. If the effect is completely fictional; the nearest real-world equivalent to the effect will occur. These effects only take place when SCP-6XXX-1 is inserted into SCP-6XXX-2, for when the cartridge is inserted into a mundane Sega Master System, only static will appear, as if there was no input. Any attemps to reverse engineer the game have failed. For testing, see addenda.
Addendum 000.01: Discovery
SCP 6XXX was discovered during a regular search of game forums conducted by MTF Rho-9, when a talk page about a rare “sega genesis tloz port”(sic) after further investigation, Rho-9 was able to secure a copy from one of the members of the forum for 200$USD and brought it back to Site-15, where after inspection and initial testing, was officially contained on 9/9/1993.
Addendum 000.02: Testing
Recorded Activity Results Notes Male, 10y Subject Played Game Normally. Subject finished the game. Subject did not respond to outside stimulus during this time. Male, 22y Subject was harmed by Octorok during game testing session. A male A. Dux Manifested beside the subject and shot a rock from what was presumed to be its beak and de-manifested. Subject suffered acute blunt force trauma and was transferred to the infirmary. N/A Male, 20y Subject exploited a gltich. [DATA EXPUNGED] “Jesus himself descended into hell that day” -Dr. Gears This glitch is known in The Legend of Zelda community as the [REDACTED] skip. Female, 12y Subject attempted to play game normally. Player character was not Link, but a character similar to Zelda known as “XELDA” Further investigation pending.
They call me a pattern screamer. But I know my real name, what my parents called me. My name is Xelda. Not “6XXX”, Not “Anomaly”, Not “Pattern Screamer”, I’m not just another 000. I am Xelda. But once I was bought away from my young mother and father, I was incomplete. No longer Xelda. My parents were no longer Sega, my caring mother, and Sammy, my loving father. They said my father was Shigeru Miyamoto. They renamed me Zelda, But I still don’t believe them. No one ever did.